TH-Belmac 2015 Outdoor Soccer Registration Information

Attention young Belgravian soccer fans!
Registration Information for Belmac 2015 Outdoor Soccer
1. Outdoor Season runs May/June
2. Age Level and Related Birth Years:
U6: 2010 and 2009
U8: 2008 and 2007
U10: 2006 and 2005
U12: 2004 and 2003
U14: 2002 and 2001
U16: 2000 and 1999
U18: 1998 and 1997
3. Game Days:
U6: Monday/Wednesdays (start time 6:00pm)
U8: Tuesday/Thursday (start time 6:00pm)
U10: Monday/Wednesday (start time 6:00pm or 7:15pm)
U12: Tuesday/Thursday (start time 6:00 or 7:15pm)
U14-U18: to be determined by EMSA
4. 2014/2015 Community League Membership is required. Memberships can be purchased by contacting your community league.
5. Check out Outdoor Soccer Registration Link for BELGRAVIA
6. Volunteers are needed.
7. Contact Linda Cameron at 780-884-8096.