The school is located at 11540‐73 Avenue in the Belgravia Community League Building. It is a bright, sunny classroom with access to a full kitchen upstairs as well as a large space for gym‐type activities. It is set in one of the neighbourhood's most cherished greenspaces, right next door to Belgravia Elementary School and Belgravia Arts Park. Outside the playschool door is a new sandy playground (summer 2008) with water features, a picnic area scaled to preschoolers, and a hill perfectly sized for sledding and rolling. Behind the building is a skating rink.
The classroom itself received a makeover and update in the summer of 2009. New features include a large sand & water table, play stand / puppet theatre and mail centre. Toys and craft supplies are updated each year and include some of the finest early childhood materials available: maple unit blocks & tree blocks; Stockmar beeswax crayons and triangular pencil crayons; felt play food, and much, much more.
School Hours
Class time: 8:45‐11:15 a.m.
Lunch program (Wednesdays only): 11:15 a.m.‐12:45 p.m.
Children attend half‐days in a morning program. Four‐year‐olds generally attend on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Three‐year‐olds generally attend on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Playschool begins the same week the public school classes start in September and ends the week before the public schools break for the summer in June. Otherwise, the Belgravia Co‐Operative Playschool follows the public school calendar of Belgravia Elementary School, including holidays, Teacher's Convention and Spring Break.